Meteostation WS2300

From january 2006 I have the WS-2300 meteostation. First three years I used it wire less. When communicatioj error occured more frequent I decide to wire it.

Beside the reconstruction I decide to change the "turbine" type of the anemometer with newer ES-TX20 with the cups. Also the thermo/hygro sensor was placed into the aspirated pipe.


Wind and rain sensor was placed together on the mast. Connection was done using FTP cable. Two pairs for the wind sensor, one pair for the rain sensor. Last pair I plan to use for heating the rain sensor during winter. Cable is about 13 meters. Connector scheme of the anemometer is on the picture:


Rain sensor is connected by the side wires:



For the connection between the sensors and base station is used FTP cable also. I used three pairs for the signal. The ground wires was connected all together. This cable is about 40 mteres long and works reliable.